Crossfit Games 2017 Odds

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The 13th annual CrossFit Games begin Thursday, August 1, at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Mat Fraser looks to join Rich Froning Jr. And become only the second man to win four CrossFit Games. Froning won four straight from 2011 to 2014 while Fraser has won the last three. WODconnect is the best solution for tracking, coaching and managing functional training.

You can watch the events at

In celebration of this past weekend we’ll be doing our own versions of a lot of these events. Get ready!


Crossfit Games 2017 Odds

+ The 2017 CrossFit Games Events – CrossFit Games

Crossfit Games 2017 Odds

CrossFit WOD for Monday 8/6

CGO 17.5 (Rx)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
35 double unders

CGO 17.5 (Scaled)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 29/20kg
35 single unders

Crossfit Games 2017 Odds Today

2017 crossfit games schedule

Compare to 24MAR2017. Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Max Week

2017 crossfit games workouts

snatch percentage ladder, clean & jerk percentage ladder

Powerlifting WOD – Week 10 of 12

squats, press, weighted pullups

Crossfit Games 2017 Odds

Kettlebell WOD

Youtube 2017 Crossfit Games

– Primal mobility
– Clean and snatch skill work