Gambling Horoscope 2016

12-Month Gambling Report. Year 12-month Gambling Report provides the analysis of your horoscope which determines the possibilities of a win in gambling or in lotteries in the coming 12 months. The horoscope is thoroughly analyzed for gains through gamble / lotteries and the best time to take the risk. Kelli Fox is a leading astrologer. Check us out to get your free Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) horoscope every day. Students of astrology for Gambling might wonder about the combination of gambling Yoga in the horoscope: Betting addictions in birth chart - Gambling yoga in astrology. Each planet & house has its specific significations. These traits and characteristics work either in favour or against the native. May 2016, or at least the first two decans, seems to be rather a month of settling down, germination, and behind-the-scenes workings. Something is in the works, and it really is something. The show will probably begin after May 20 2016, together with the Sun’s arrival in Gemini.

  1. March 2016 Horoscope Virgo
  2. Gambling Horoscope 2016 Youtube


By Tara Pierce

More Specific than General Horoscopes

Online since 1997


(March 20 - April 20)


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(June 21 - July 22)


(July 22 - August 23)


(August 23 - September 23)


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(October 23 - November 22)


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(February 18 - March 20)

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Your Luck Factor -

10 - All planets auspiciously aspect your sun sign. Good luck abounds. It's rare.
9 - Extremely lucky. Don't miss this opportunity!
8 - Very lucky!
7 - Odds are definitely still on your side.
6 - Lucky enough to at least try.
5 - Neutral luck.
4 - A shade unlucky.
3 - Fairly unlucky but there's still hope.
2 - Downright unlucky.
1 - Extremely unlucky. Stay in bed, hide from the world. Even rough for masochists.
0 - I'll rarely commit to this bad luck factor. There's always light in darkness. And remember, that as bad as anything gets, the pendulum does swing again.

Trying your luck at games other than roulette may be fun for gaming enthusiasts. Lucky players will often win big progressive jackpot prizes while playing at slots, keno and similar games. Websites like (click here to visit) offer players guidance on where to play these kinds of games.

If You are Born on the Cusp:

If you were born on the cusp of a sign, the cusp changes yearly, sometimes by as much as a day. Example: Someone born in the morning of July 22, 1952 is a Cancer, but another person born that night could be a Leo just as the Sun is going into the sign of Leo. So, if you're a Leo but you see July 22 also listed for Cancer on the forecast, or anywhere else, read only your sign's forecast. You are either a Cancer or a Leo, not both. You can't be two signs by being a 'cusper.' It does make a difference for this forecast to know which sign you are in.

This month's Newsletter.


Christians should look to God instead of horoscopes for guidance, the Rev. Billy Graham advises for those who are lured by things that claim to predict the future.

March 2016 Horoscope Virgo

Graham, founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said in a column for the Kansas City Star on Wednesday that although God created the stars and the universe, believers in Christ should not use these cosmic entities for guidance.

Gambling Horoscope 2016

This includes referencing horoscopes and other methods, such as sorcery, omens or magic, as a source of guidance other than God, Graham continues.

'God did make the stars (as well as everything else in the universe), but He intended them to be a witness to His power and glory, not as a means to guide us or foretell the future,' the evangelical leader writes.

The 97-year-old Baptist minister points specifically to Deuteronomy 18:9-13, in which God forbids His people from looking to such things for direction.

'Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you,' the verses read, in part.

One of the reasons God forbids us from using such alternatives as guidance is because they are dangerous, deceptive and unreliable. Graham points to the story of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28-31, who seeks to consult with a dead person about his future and ultimately commits suicide.

Instead, Graham concludes his message by encouraging Christians to look only to God for guidance.

'God loves us, and we know this because He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to give His life for our salvation. Even when the future is unclear, He can be trusted to guide us,' the evangelical leader says.

Graham has decried the use of astrology before, saying in a blog post for the 'My Answers' section of the BGEA website that God alone should be our guiding light.

'[God] alone is our guide, and we are to look to Him alone for the wisdom we need. Nothing else is to take His rightful place,' the evangelical leader explains.

'The Bible teaches that we should have nothing to do with occult practices, including [horoscopes and astrology]. I realize you may not think of them this way — but they are, because they all involve mystical attempts to foretell the future (which the Bible rejects),' Graham continues, referencing Isaiah 47:13-14 in which Isaiah mocks those who choose astrology over God.

'Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you,' the verses read.

Gambling Horoscope 2016 Youtube

The preacher encourages Christians to build '[their] life on the truth of His Word, the Bible, because it alone is 'a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.'